For immigrants

On this website the police provide comprehensive information and materials on life in Germany for immigrants.
The materials are provided free of charge and are available at all (criminal) police counselling services. They can also be downloaded here.
Police in Germany
You can contact the German police in case of emergency. Their help is free of charge.
It is the job of the police to make sure that everyone in Germany can live together in peace.
It is important that you report crimes to the police and offer to testify as witness. This is the only way to help victims, make sure that perpetrators are held responsible and prevent further crimes.
The police also take action in case of conflict. In Germany, using violence to settle conflicts on one´s own is a crime.
In case of emergency, call 110. This is the phone number of the police in Germany. The police can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The call is free.
Further Information "Getting along with each other".
How the police can help crime victims
In Germany everyone has the right to physical integrity and protection of property.
Everyone can go to the police, regardless of their age, gender, religious confession or origin. Everyone will be treated equally.
If you want to report an incident to the police, you can go to any police station.
If you file a complaint, the police will ask you for details about the incident. You may take someone with you – a friend or someone you trust, for example, or a lawyer. If you have difficulty speaking German, you may also bring someone with you to interpret, or alternatively the police can give you the necessary help with communication.
You can call the police any time in an emergency by dialling 110.
Further information "How the police can help crime victims"
Essential rules for road users in Germany
For their own safety, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists must comply with traffic regulations.
Further information "For more road safety. Essential rules for road users in Germany."
Rail Traffic: Information by the police for your safety
Never enter or cross the tracks!
Keep sufficient distance to the platform edge! Observe the white line!
Caution electricity! Climbing and riding on top of trains is life-endangering!
Further information "Information by the police for your safety"
Youth Protection Act
The police for you
Website of the police for children and young people
What is allowed? What is punishable? You can find the answers and a lot of information about your rights and obligations, the tasks of the police, the course of criminal proceedings or contact details of institutions offering assistance at www.polizeifü
Your first weeks in Germany
- Broschüre "Willkommen in Deutschland"
- App "Ankommen - Ein Wegbegleiter für ihre ersten Wochen in Deutschland"
- RefugeeGuide online
- Handbook Germany - Deutschland von A bis Z
- Guide for refugees